Sunday, August 16, 2009














  1. National Bank of Ras Al Khaimah (RAKBank)
  2. First Gulf Bank
  3. Emirates Islamic Bank
  4. Abu Dhabi Commercial Bank
  5. Dubai Islamic Bank
  6. National Bank of Dubai
  7. Mashreq Bank
  8. Lloyds TSB Bank
  9. Commercial Bank of Dubai
  10. Al Hilal Bank
  11. Noor Islamic Bank
  12. Barclays
  13. Commercial Bank International
  14. Citibank
  15. Emirates Bank International / meBank
  16. National Bank of Abu Dhabi
  17. Standard Chartered Bank
  18. HSBC Bank
  19. National Bank of Sharjah
  20. Union National Bank
  21. Dubai Bank
  22. Royal Bank of Scotland (RBS) (formerly ABN Amro)
  23. Abu Dhabi Islamic Bank
  24. Al Masraf
  25. Doha Bank
  26. National Bank of Umm Al Quwain
  27. SAMBA
  28. Bank of Sharjah
  29. United Bank Limited


  • Trust Investment Bank Trust Investment Bank
    Rating on Qualisteam: 0.00
    TRUST Investment Bank is one of Russia’s leading financial institutions and is ranked first by profit per employee and fourth by profit (Based on Profile magazine rankings (No 4, 27th January 2003). The Bank is also ranked first by the ratio of profit before reserves to assets and the ratio of operating revenues to assets, making it the most efficient Russian bank (Interfax rankings published by Russky Fokus magazine (No 41 (78), 25th November – 1st December 2002). The Securities Market publishing house and the National Association of Securities Market Participants named TRUST the Bond Issuing Company of the Year. According to Banker magazine, the Bank is ranked among the top 25 banks in Central and Eastern Europe and among the world’s 1000 largest banks based on 2002 results. Bloomberg ranks TRUST 15th in its league table of advisors on mergers and acquisitions.
    [Modified: 22 Feb 2007 - Hits: 858 - Votes: 0 ]
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  • VTB Bank VTB Bank
    Rating on Qualisteam: 5.50
    VTB is a recognized leader of the national financial industry having gained a sustained competitive edge in all segments of the banking market. As of September 30, 2006 according to IFRS (consolidated), its shareholders equity totaled US$6.2 billion, enabling VTB to meet the Basle capital adequacy requirements with a safe margin. The assets of the Bank as of September 30, 2006 amounted up to US$49 billion.
    [Modified: 17 May 2007 - Hits: 758 - Votes: 2 ]
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  • Rosbank Rosbank
    Rating on Qualisteam: 0.00
    is, deservedly, one of the major credit institutions in Russia, strategic investor and business partner of leading industrial companies of the country.
    [Modified: 19 Jul 2004 - Hits: 632 - Votes: 0 ]
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  • Bank Anelik - Russia Bank Anelik - Russia
    Rating on Qualisteam: 0.00
    Anelik Branch in Moscow is a branch of Anelik Bank in Yerevan, Armenia. The primary activity of the Moscow branch of the Anelik bank is the US dollars transfers by natural person to relatives and friends without opening accounts.
    [Modified: 28 Aug 2000 - Hits: 618 - Votes: 0 ]
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